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Pretty Green Things

Today is a day in which many things are green. I woke up this morning thinking "I'm gonna stick it to the man. I'm not gonna wear green at ALL!" Luckily I don't really know anyone well enough for them to be comfortable with pinching me, so that wasn't a problem.

But now... Hate to say it... But I've gone green.

So let's make a list of things that are green!

Doing good things...

Street signs...

Limited parking...

Mr. T - Dinosaur hybrid...



Recycling green things....

Eating greens....

In other news, following the poll on the side was riveting. Popsicles started out really strong, and then Cremesicles caught up! Frozen yogurt was doing alright... but ice cream? It had nothing! I was baffled! It's ICE CREAM! And out of no where, it shot up to 4 votes! Completely by surprise! So yeah. Sorry Cremesicles, I love you, but you're slightly less superior. 

How was your green day? What do you think should be the next poll?


Unknown said...

Be nice to gingers? haha! I love it!! It's nice to know we have people rooting for us!

chip said...

Oh, I like gingers! I'm a blonde myself, but I've always wanted red hair just so I could say I was the Weasley triplet to Fred and George.