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The Very Bestest Class

I have the best class in the world. 
And you might be like "But Lara... I think that I ha-"NO! 

Integrative curricular methods. 

Today for class, we went to the Discovery Museum.

We took a tour and learned about all the psychological and developmental things that are used in the different exhibits they have, and then we had about 40 minutes left before the museum closed and our teacher told us to go explore and play with the kids there. 

I have never met those kids before, and I'll probably never see them again, but to them, my classmates and I were just their best friends. We got to kind of be their teacher for a bit. 

Oh gracious it was so much fun. I wouldn't mind doing that for class every day.

A giant backgammon board that lit up and played music when you walked on it.

That kid built that.

This was a can of toy soup in the grocery store. It seemed fitting since I'm vegetarian! Vegetarian vegetable, mmm! My favorite!

Children's aprons are shirts for adults.

This was in their little toy town, kids could be mail men and put the mail in the right boxes. They did a better job than my mail man!

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