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You might be bored if you discover that biting your ukulele while playing it makes your teeth vibrate and you can hear the notes in your head.

I promise these are not the ramblings of an insane person, there was a logical thought process that led me to this realization.

(See, when I had to get my hearing tested a few months ago, the nice doctor hit a pitch fork. It didn't make any sound when he hit it, but he put it on my skull just behind my ear and I could hear it! But in the opposite ear! And he hit it again, and put it in between my eyes and I could hear it in that same ear. It was AWESOME. I wanted to know if uke could do this too.)

But I never would have gotten to this realization if I wasn't bored.

I honestly don't know why I'm bored. This Thursday is exactly like any other Thursday. Actually I'm a bit more busy this Thursday because I have to go to a concert tonight. But really that's no reason to make me so bored right now.

It may be because I just found out that class is canceled tomorrow. And then work called and one of the functions got cancelled (Which is really sad by the way) and so I don't have work.

Maybe it's just building boredom in anticipation of tomorrow.

I think I'll repaint the sky tomorrow.

I have a new computer right now! My lil brudder fixed my other computer (SHOUT PRAISES!) but the thing is my liddle brova lives in Ogden and I don't so..... right now I have THIS computer.

This computer is called a Compaq.

This computer is a lap top.

But beware, if you put it on your lap, it will crush your femurs and make you scream in agony for you cannot lift it back up.

Get me a fork lift please.

Let me tell you a little more about this computer.

It has NO usb ports. None. At all. So no pictures until I get my new baby computer folks! Sorry. It's ok. Don't cry too much.

It is ancient. And by ancient I mean 7 years old. But it still has a floppy disk drive.

Not even kidding.

It does.

What ever happened to those. I remember I had a green one when I was seven. And I was so fond of that thing. And so afraid of breaking it.

But I'm very fond of this computer, it allows me to access my online classes, whereas a few days ago my computer wouldn't let me access the "Booting up" screen.

Here's a picture of my new toothbrush to pacify you. 

(I have a new tooth brush because I tapped my old toothbrush too hard this morning, and it flew out of my hand and flipped into the garbage can. I took that as an omen.) 

Toothbrush: Pink


1 comment:

wstacij said...

I'm pretty sure I fell in love with your blog as soon as I saw that line about biting a ukelele.