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Snow Melting Days and Mondays

My fiancé is out of town for a few days.

My brother is back home for a while.

My lizard is being baby sat by someone who isn't me.

I mean... sure my roommates are here, but one thing I've learned is that living with a bunch of guys does not make your life exactly like the TV show "New Girl."

So life is  kinda boring right now. I have to stay here since I'm working all week.... but work was short today. So now what?

I'll spy on my fish.

I'll read a fantastic book.

I'll freeze my freakin butt off. 

I'll be an annoying engaged woman who spends time trying to catch the best sunlight. For, you know... sparkle reasons... 

I'll play on pinterest.

I'll play on some more pinterest. 

I'll look at this. (Look at this... Lee... Pace.... Stop it.)

Other pinterest. 

I'll make a wedding website. Or should I say webbing... site... or wedsite. Nope. Not that.

I'll blog... 

I'll spend so much time making that picture... and fully intend on it going forever, but realizing that I have to work tomorrow before I reach forever and maybe I should get started on that list  of stuff I was going to do....

But really....

We'll see.

Come home Stupid, and Brian, and Joseph..... Or just Joseph, you know... but still. I'm bored.

But have fun in your respective locations! 

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